I have done everything to get into a four year credited college. I got good grades, took the SATs (several times I might add), took online classes (some even with a normal school load), even graduated a year early! Now, all I'm asking is for a little help from the world. But I am not asking for anything for free. I will work for anything you have to offer. And remember, nothing is too small or too insignificant. Advice or a kind word is as greatly appreciated as a donation or contribution.



Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pain in my neck...literally.

Well, you can see by the time of this post (12:30AM) I've been hard at work.
That's pretty much it. I did a lot of sorting through more stuff, and realized I have WAY too much stuff! This really is a life lesson all in itself! In the future, I vow to not have sooo much stuff. At least in clothes that is:)

But anyway, the point is is that I'm tired...again lol so I guess this is goodnight! To all, I hope you will have a good night as well and learn from my mistakes! Don't accumulate things you don't need. You'll regret it later when you have to go through it all!


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